Envelope Presents
2nd Anniversary feat. Sam Binga (Critical / Exit / 50Weapons)
✈✈ Footwork/Jungle 體系中唯一與 Om Unit、Fracture、Addison Groove 三巨頭齊名製作!
✈✈ 師承芝加哥 Juke/Footwork,混搭90年代Hardcore/Jungle,2015年最爽的舞曲新風格!
✈✈ dBridge/Alix perez/Goldie 大力推薦。
✈✈ FACT 雜誌嚴選 2015 十大必看 Drum & Bass 製作人。
Local Support DJs
Sam Binga (Critical / Exit / 50Weapons)
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/sam_binga
Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/sam_binga
速度快的跳舞音樂正發生微妙的化學變化。或許是受到 juke 音樂愛用 808 鼓機建構出切分節拍、或是 dubstep 的 half-time 式律動,又或者是現在進行式由 dBridge 發起的舞曲基因革命及Autonomic podcasts 的影響。無論是什麼原因,bpm 160 - 170 的舞曲再次十分令人感到興奮。
Sam Binga 透過幾個備受推崇的地下舞曲廠牌發行,像是 50 Weapons、Exit 和 Critical,並已經在這波新浪潮中佔有一席之地。他草根味十足的歌曲像 "AYO" 和 "Lef Dem" ,或是和 Om Unit 合作進行更實驗性的探索作品,都已經受到諸如 Zed Bias 和 CHVRCHES 等人的注意,紛紛請他炮制 remix。Kode9 更是在他備受注目的混音專輯裡收錄了 Sam Binga 和 Addison Groove 合作的歌曲 "11th"。
Sam Binga 闖出知名度後,在短時間就受邀到世界各地的舞廳或音樂季演出。其中包括固定演出的全球性指標舞廳 Fabric London、Croatia 的 Outlook,以及近期在澳洲和紐西蘭巡迴演出中擔任壓軸。身為一個 DJ ,他大無畏式的 DJ 風格除了融合 juke 和 jungle 外,還有經典的 crunk 和 dancehall。一些未發行的曲目像 "Sambaata" refix 或 "Crackney Parrot" rebax ,受到很多DJ例如 Friction、Machinedrum 和 Alix Perez的青睞。他和 Fracture 及 Rider Shafique 合作的 EP ,更是受到許多前衛、不同曲風 DJ 的喜愛,像是 Toddla T、The Heatwave、Murlo 和 Breakage.。2015 年在 Critical 發行的秒殺單曲 "Nuh Chat EP"、和 Om Unit 合作的 "TransAtlantic EP" ,及一些還在製作中但令人十分期待的新歌,雖然暫時無法透露太多,但唯一可以確定的是,那是別人無法複製的聲響。
不論你是平時會關注音樂脈動的人,或是對它瞭若指掌, Sam Binga 對整個非主流舞曲圈的重要性已經在無數的演出或世界巡迴中展露無疑。
但先別管這個了,重要的是他可以把 dirty-south swagger、Chi-town footwork來個大鍋炒,被視為英倫新希望的 Sam Binga 即將把前衛、獨特且感染力十足的音樂帶給大家,敬請期待。
Something’s happening to the faster side of dance music. Maybe it’s the hyperactive influence of juke’s chopped-up 808s, the embrace of dubstep’s half-time flow at a higher tempo or perhaps it’s simply the ongoing evolution of the mutation started by dBridge and the Autonomic podcasts. Whatever the origin, that spectrum of music between 160 and 170bpm is sounding utterly vital once again.
Sam Binga has placed himself firmly at the centre of this new wave, with releases on some of dance music’s most respected underground labels – 50 Weapons, Exit and Critical. His sound spans the anthemic rowdiness of tracks like ‘AYO’ and ‘Lef Dem’, to the deeper explorations of his collaborations with Om Unit, and has attracted the attention of artists such as Zed Bias and CHVRCHES – who have both hit him up for remix work – and Kode9, who featured his tune ’11th’ with Addison Groove on his critically acclaimed Rinse CD.
In the relatively short period of time since emerging onto the scene, Sam Binga has played clubs and festivals across the world, including regular turns at the world-famous Fabric in London, Outlook in Croatia, and a recent headline tour of Australia and New Zealand. As a DJ, he has become known for his fearless style, blending juke and jungle with classic crunk and dancehall. His unreleased dubs, like the ‘Sambaata’ refix, or the ‘Crackney Parrot’ rebax, are still in huge demand from DJs such as Friction, Machinedrum and Alix Perez, while his recent EP with Fracture and Rider Shafique (of Young Echo fame) got love from forward-thinking cross-genre selectors such as Toddla T, The Heatwave, Murlo and Breakage. Having kicked off 2015 with two instantly sold out releases – the ‘Nuh Chat EP’ on Critical, and the self-released ‘TransAtlantic EP’ with Om Unit – something even bigger and weightier is currently under construction… And without giving too much away, rest assured that it sounds like nothing else out there.
If you’re fully in the know, or if you pay attention to wider movements in the music world, you’ll realise that there’s some serious weight behind the Sam Binga name, with countless gigs and worldwide tours covering pretty much the whole spectrum of underground dance music under his belt. But that’s not important right now: what’s important is that mix of dirty-south swagger, Chi-town footwork and UK pressure people like Sam Binga are bringing to the table. Fresh, weird and strictly fire on the dance floor.
日期 / Date : 2015.09.12 (Sat)
時間 / Time:23:00-04:00
地點 / Venue:PIPE Live Music
地址 / Address:台北市中正區思源街1號(自來水源區/公館水岸)
票價 / Tickets:
- 早鳥, Early bird NT300 (8/13 - 8/17) 限時限量(Limited)
- 預售, Advanced NT500 (8/18 - 9/10) 限時限量(Limited)
- 三人套票 Group tickets 3 for NT1,200 (8/18 - 9/10) 限時限量(Limited)
- 現場, At Door NT600
*門票均附一杯飲料 / All tickets with one drink
*入場請務必攜帶身分證,未滿18歲禁止入場 / ID Check
主辦單位:Envelope, Starck & Co.
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- 請攜帶身分證件備查,18歲以下謝絕入場。
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